
Since these earth bodies are roughly 60% water, it’s not surprising that many of us are soothed by some form of water energy, even if only a hot shower, soak in a tub, or a walk on the beach.

Water can give us a feeling calm and centeredness and it teaches us about flow. F-l-o-w. Super important in my estimation.

I don’t know about you, but I can always benefit from having more flow in my life

Water is associated with peace, emotion, cleansing, healing, purity, intuition, persuasion, creativity, and renewal.

It’s also where life begins.

Combining water glyphs with other healing symbols, and in conjunction with traditional methods, as well as meditation, breathing techniques, and color therapy, can truly help to calm anxiety.

If you happened to have had a life in Atlantis, you may not have the best feelings about water. You could have memories of drowning or maybe you feel as though you know what it’s like to drown.

(In this lifetime) I nearly drown at the age of eleven. It’s quite unpleasant. Perhaps you had a similar experience.

Water glyphs can be put to good use to help heal current and past life traumas.

I often utilize the symbol of water when I’m feeling resistant to changes occurring in my life. A reminder to “go with the flow.”

My own take on the symbol for the Water Element.

For me working with water glyphs reinforces feelings of knowing we are not alone and that if we allow ourselves to be supported we discover that support is all around us.

Water is a conductor of energy and will add power to any other symbol. “Power” doesn’t mean a tsunami or hurricane! It can be calm seas or a river with the quality of a gentle, persistent persuasion.

The water glyph is also great to use along with healing invocations and as an aid in connecting with our intuition.

💦💧Flow into New Beginnings💧💦 In this piece, I depict the symbol for Aries along with the elemental symbol for water. The Aries glyph represents the beginning of a new cycle, energy, enthusiasm, passion, mental openness, and brilliance. Combining this fire sign with the symbol for water is to emphasize the notion of flowing with energy and a childlike enthusiasm into something new and beautiful.

The possibilities are endless!

Hope you’re catching some flow and peace in your day. Namaste, my friends 💕💦💧💕

This image is my rendition of the symbol of Water, which is the astrological glyph representing the sign of Aquarius. It’s an interesting dichotomy that Aquarius is of the Air Element, yet it’s avatar is The Water Bearer. If you’re interested in finding out more, here’s my Instagram post expanding on this topic.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ©2021 Rachel Wynter-Murdoch ~~~~~~ All words, images, and art are mine unless otherwise stated. Feel free to repost; however, please maintain the entirety and integrity of this post by keeping it exactly as found here. Thank you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~